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General Discussion / Re: Mr Crappie Invitational Cl...
Last post by OneBlade - November 02, 2024, 07:50 AM
Day 1 results are in, see attachment. Only the top 17 teams continue to day 2 so it doesn't look like our guys made it to day 2. Gotta be tough fishing a completely new lake. Proud of our guys representing AZ - I'm sure this won't be the last national tournament they are invited and go to.
General Discussion / Mr Crappie Invitational Classi...
Last post by OneBlade - October 30, 2024, 08:14 AM
Good luck to Arizona Crappie Association members Florin Nesiu, Andrew Nesiu, Randy Howton, and Cameron Gilliam as they prefish for the Mr Crappie Invitational Classic (Nov 1-3) at Table Rock Lake near Branson, Missouri.  We think their time on the water and hard work will pay off as they compete in this nationally known crappie tournament. Good luck guys get 'em!!

Tournament info can be found on Mr Crappie Facebook:
Roosevelt / Let's Talk Fishin (LTF) Octobe...
Last post by OneBlade - October 27, 2024, 07:03 AM
Congratulations goes out to Brian from Mudshark Marine for squeaking out a win today at the LTF crappie tournament. It was a tough bite today for everyone but Brian edged out the field (fishing by himself) and grabbed the win! Complete results and standings are posted on the LTF Website/Crappie page. 🙂

Upcoming Events / Re: Let's Talk Fishin' 2024-20...
Last post by OneBlade - October 24, 2024, 06:30 AM
Great tournament hope you all can make it!
Upcoming Events / Re: Let's Talk Fishin' 2024-20...
Last post by SlabGrabber - October 23, 2024, 06:50 PM
Hello everyone.
The second LTF crappie tournament of the season is this coming Saturday 10/26/24 @ Roosevelt Lake..
Make sure to save some time and go to the clubs website to register, pay and get an early number. This really helps so all you have to do the morning of the event is check in.
If you have any questions about anything please reach out to Tracy @ LTF.
Looking forward to seeing everyone out there. 🙂
Crappie Gear / 12 volt Green Fluorescent fis...
Last post by craigm - October 20, 2024, 02:26 PM
I am selling 2 fluorescent Green nite fishing lites , $50 for the pair must buy both .I never used them and WIld Bill, Paul  used them once or twice , They must be picked up at my home in Sun City .
Bartlett / Bartlett 10/12
Last post by OneBlade - October 13, 2024, 08:05 AM
AZCA member Jeff Rankin (not registered in this forum) posted a report on social media so I figured I'd share here.  He hit Bartlett Saturday 10/12 and fished 30 to 40 feet down on the bottom in bushes / trees and caught a nice handful of slabs. He said he was fishing with minnows. Good luck everyone and hope you all can also post your own fishing reports.
Crappie Questions / Fluro Liter Line Type, Strengt...
Last post by OneBlade - October 13, 2024, 08:02 AM
Question for you experts. My latest set up uses a braid style of line, then either a split shot or weighted swivel, then maybe 2ft of Super FC Sniper Sunline 8lb fluoro carbon line. My thought is I need thin or small fluoro line at the end rather than the braid or crystal fireline. I hear people using as small as 4 lbs. 6 pound test, I use 8 pound. But so many times yesterday every time I pull out a snag, the line is breaking on the fluoro near the hook. I'm going to switch to Palomar knot at the end, but I'm not impressed with the strength of that fluorocarbon. Is this just the price you pay for using that a fluro liter line at the end? Any of you skip the fluoro altogether and just go with the braid or fire line to hook.  Any other suggestions? I'm thinking of increasing pound test of the fluro but not sure how high I want to go given it increases diameter/visibility of the line.
Roosevelt / Re: Roosevelt 10/12
Last post by FishMan - October 13, 2024, 07:46 AM
Good looking fish Matt.
Roosevelt / Roosevelt 10/12
Last post by OneBlade - October 13, 2024, 07:34 AM
My son and I fished Roosevelt Salt river side.  Morning fishing was really slow - we were trying straight minnows in 20-35ft of water in trees/structure, but in our spots that worked last week weren't as active with fish or when they were we couldn't get bites. I think partially our issue was a minnow problem as I accidentally shocked them earlier that morning with cold ice so they were really lethargic. By afternoon, minnows recovered and were active and happy and we caught 8 nice sized crappie with minnows at our last 2 spots. Note quite the numbers we expected, however I go into these trips with low goals (e.g. don't get skunked!) and our goal changes as the day goes on. So we were content with our results. Saw JT (crappie_4_life) out there but didn't hear how he did but probably well he's a stick.

Was nice to get my son onto some crappie as we usually don't do well at Roosevelt. Son wanted to clean them and he did a nice job.  Fish tacos for dinner.